Edgewood is responsible for 45 school buses, 9 police cruisers and a number of vans and Chevy Suburban vehicles. Without a fleet management system in place, they lacked visibility over the real-time location of their vehicles. “We have a 24-hour police department, and we wanted to make sure we were keeping idling to a minimum. We were also looking for a solution that would let us monitor the rounds that our constables are required to do,” says Adam Galvan Jr, Director of Technology. Following the District’s strong commitment to paper reduction and the protection of the environment, Adam was also looking for a solution that would help him reduce paper usage.

Increasing the safety of students and police cruisers was one of the main requirements. According to Galvan Jr, “The security and safety of our students and our police force is paramount to us. As a result, we were looking for a system that would allow us to see where everyone was at all times, in case a bus was taken or we had an emergency.” Finally, reducing costs and having information about how vehicles were being used was another need for the District.
„Our Chief of Police is especially happy with the ability to see the location of his officers in real-time, as well as monitor how they are using the vehicles.“
– Adam Galvan Jr, Director of Technology
After a thorough RFP process and carefully comparing different vendors, the Texan School District purchased 61 Fleet Complete Fleet Trackers. “Our Chief of Police is especially happy with the ability to see the location of his officers in real-time, as well as monitor how they are using the vehicles.” In the District, police constables will often take their vehicles home or travel long distances to their work. The Chief of Police is now using Fleet Complete to monitor vehicle usage and prevent abuse.
By giving the Chief of Police, directors, constables and bus drivers access to Fleet Complete from their desktops and mobile phones, Edgewood has been able to reduce the amount of paper previously used to run this part of the organization.
By utilizing the Fleet Complete solution, Edgewood has been able to reduce fuel costs by curbing idling. “When you have a police department that is doing rounds 24 hours a day, it is easy to idle, especially at night. By reducing the amount of time the cruisers are parked while being turned on, we have been able to reduce our fuel costs,” says Adam Galvan.
According to Galvan Jr, increasing the safety of the police force and the students has been one of the biggest benefits. “A few months ago, a police constable had an accident and couldn’t identify his physical location. With the help of Fleet Complete, the Chief of Police was able to see where the police cruiser was and he dispatched help right away. Previously we wouldn’t have been able to do this,” says Galvan Jr.
Being satisfied with the results of the system, Edgewood School District has now started to work on customizing their solution to fit their individual needs with the help of the Professional Services department. “We have started modifying our dashboards to show the information we are most interested in,” says Galvan Jr.
„Fleet Tracker is a good product. It’s getting us what we need and we will keep using it.“
– Adam Galvan
Edgewood and Fleet Complete look forward to even more savings and a tighter relationship with this school district.
With the help of Fleet Complete, the Chief of police was able to see where the police cruiser was and he dispatched help right away. Previously we wouldn’t had been able to do this
Adam Galvan Jr.,
Director of Technology
- Serve more than 11,000 students every year
- 45 School Buses, 9 Police Cruisers, Chevy Suburban and Vans
- Lack of visibility on location of school buses
- Inability to monitor after-hours vehicle usage
- No visibility over constable and bus driver activities in the field
Powering sustainable fleets!
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